We at the Church of What Works are glad to see you!
Here's a little of what we are about.
Rather than having a defined and very specific creed or list of beliefs, ours are pretty fuzzy around the edges.
What we wish for you is no different than what we seek for ourselves: peace in our hearts, love in everything we do, and joy in our life's experience.
As to how you get to that point, we are open to any ideas anyone has which have worked for them. In fact, that's why we call this the Church of What Works. It's about sharing techniques which have proven helpful.
We will talk about what works for us, and we invite you to add via a comment to any post in this blog what has worked for you. The goal is to further the spread of workable ideas.
We are, beyond everything else, completely inclusive here. No matter your religion or lack of it, or your place of origin or existing belief system or lifestyle, you are welcome here. It is certainly true that, by our very inclusion, we will cause some to stay away. That's okay, too!
(photo courtesy of Matthew Rottman, on Flickr as matthew2000tx)
I am proud to offer the first comment her at the Church of What Works. What a great idea, great place to be. SO good to see YOU here, my friend! Blessings and love to you today and every day, O